Into The Blue
Thursday, January 29, 2015
An indication of the new direction I want to take with fashion. I remember it was a sunny LA afternoon when I was inspired to create this blog. Somewhere down town, a troop of gentlemen dressed in black cape hoodies layered under leather jackets and accompanying ripped charcoal jeans. Their attitude and nerve struck me with such force, I began to reflect on my own image, my own direction and how I put myself out into the world. The nerve they had still gets me...
Thus began my obsession with urban street wear as has been the focus of almost all my looks. I don't know if it's simply me wanting to look more mature (not that heavy street wear is immature), or that its simply me exploring me peripheries.
I also have begun working for Topman in a recent internship as well as Microsoft and am looking fashion that is more appropriate for the corporate sphere. This look capitalises on my obsession with beige and blue. I picked up these gorgeous Cole Haans from a boutique in Soho, New York and I thought the orange lining matched perfectly with a pair of socks I had picked up in LA.
My current fascination is collarless button ups is also included in this look. It gives the overall outfit a sleek outlook.
What I'm wearing:
Blue Collar-less Button Up (Zara)
Cropped Beige Chinos (Uniqlo)
Orange/Blue Anchor Print Socks (Urban Outfitters)
Brown Lunar Grands (Cole Haan)
Silver Blue Face Watch (Fossil)
Beige Carry Bag (Cedar Wood State)
What did you think?